Hapoel Bank Yahav Jerusalem vs Hapoel Tel Aviv

16.02.2024 20:10

Analysis of Hapoel Bank Yahav Jerusalem:

Basic statistics: Hapoel Bank Yahav Jerusalem averages 82 points per match. Their field goal percentage is 45.5%, which indicates a solid offensive efficiency. Also, they record an average of 38.7 rebounds per game, 17.6 assists, 7.2 steals and 1.9 blocks. However, they also have 13.1 turnovers per match, which can be a challenge in keeping control of the game.

Offensive Rating: Hapoel Bank Yahav Jerusalem has an Offensive Rating of 113.6, which means that they are efficient in scoring points and contributing offensively.

Defensive Rating: With a defensive rating of 106, the team shows some defensive weaknesses, which could be an area for improvement to reduce the number of points conceded.

Advanced Statistics: This team achieves a high True Shooting percentage (TS%) of 56.5% and an effective shooting percentage (eFG%) of 52.7%. Their offensive rating (ORtg) is 113.6, indicating a solid offensive performance, while their defensive rating (DRtg) is 106.

Analysis of Hapoel Tel Aviv:

Basic Stats: Hapoel Tel Aviv averages an impressive 95.2 points per game with a high field goal percentage of 52.2%. With 34.5 rebounds, 22.4 assists, 8.1 steals and 2.7 blocks per game, they show a strong performance in all aspects of the game. However, they also record 12.1 turnovers per match, which could be an area for improvement.

Offensive Rating: Their offensive rating is an impressive 122.6, indicating exceptional scoring ability and offensive efficiency.

Defensive rating: With a defensive rating of 111.3, the team shows a solid defensive performance, but also room for improvement to reduce the number of points conceded.

Advanced Statistics: Hapoel Tel Aviv achieves a high True Shooting percentage (TS%) of 62.4% and an effective shooting percentage (eFG%) of 58.6%. Their offensive rating (ORtg) is 122.6, while their defensive rating (DRtg) is 111.3

Mutual meetings:

Hapoel Tel Aviv has won both meetings so far this season, achieving results of 89:87 and 109:100.

Betting suggestion:

Hapoel Jerusalem win odds are 1.93, while Hapoel Tel Aviv win odds are 1.75. Considering the statistics and the results of the matches between each other, the betting suggestion would be to bet on the victory of Hapoel Tel Aviv

Betting suggestion:

Away win (type 2)

Odds 1.75


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