21.03.2024 20:15
Olympiacos team statistics:
Basic statistics: Olympiacos have played 50 games so far, with an average duration of 40.2 minutes per match. They scored an average of 81.3 points per game, with a shooting percentage of 48.9%.
Offensive rating: With an average of 118 points per 100 possessions, Olympiacos shows high offensive efficiency.
Defensive rating: With an average of 104.4 points conceded per 100 possessions, Olympiacos has a good defensive performance.
Advanced Stats: Olympiacos has a TS% of 59.9% and an eFG% of 56.8%, indicating scoring efficiency.
ASVEL Basketball team statistics:
Basic statistics: ASVEL Basket played 56 games, with an average duration of 40.1 minutes per match. They scored an average of 81.2 points per game, with a shooting percentage of 48.9%.
Offensive Rating: Averaging 113.2 points per 100 possessions, ASVEL Basket has solid offensive capabilities.
Defensive rating: With an average of 114.6 points conceded per 100 possessions, ASVEL Basket has a slightly worse defensive performance compared to Olympiacos.
Advanced Stats: ASVEL Basket has a TS% of 59% and an eFG% of 55%, indicating solid scoring efficiency.
Mutual meetings:
The first match of this season was won by Olympiacos away with a score of 85:73, which indicates their advantage and ability to beat ASVEL Basket.
Betting suggestion:
Based on the analysis of statistical data and previous performances of both teams, as well as the average value of scored points of 156.5, I suggest betting on more than 156.5 points scored in the match. Both teams tend to score over 156.5 points in their games, which suggests that there could be more points in this match as well.
As for the prediction for the winner of the match, the medium handicap odds are 13.5. Considering the previous match in which Olympiacos was the winner and the odds to win, I suggest betting on Olympiacos with a handicap of -13.5.
Betting suggestion:
Win Olympiacos I 156.5+ (1&156.5+)
Quota 2.10
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