21.03.2024 18:30
Anadolu Efes team statistics:
Basic statistics: Anadolu Efes has played 55 games so far, which indicates continuous activity and experience during the season. This number of games suggests consistency and stability in the team.
Offensive rating: They average 85.8 points per game, which indicates a solid offensive power of the team. The high point average suggests that Efes has a well-rounded attacking system and the ability to effectively solve situations on the field.
Defensive Rating: Averaging 85.8 points per game, their defense shows solidity, but perhaps a lack of consistency in stopping opponents. This data points to the need to improve defensive performance in order to reduce the number of points conceded.
Advanced stats: A look at the offensive rating (ORtg) of 119.3 and defensive rating (DRtg) of 117.5 suggests a slight advantage on offense over defense. A high ORtg shows efficiency in scoring, while DRtg suggests they might have challenges stopping opponents.
Statistics of the ALBA Berlin team:
Basic stats: ALBA Berlin were also active with 53 games played, which shows that they have solid experience during the season. However, a smaller number of games compared to Anadolu Efes may suggest a slightly smaller experience base. Offensive rating: With an average of 83.2 points per game, ALBA Berlin shows the ability to effectively attack the opponent’s basket. While they have a solid offensive average, they could have room for improvement in their offensive efficiency.
Defensive rating: With an average of 83.2 points conceded per game, ALBA Berlin’s defense shows stability, but can be vulnerable against some stronger opponents. This data points to the need to strengthen defensive performance in order to reduce the number of points conceded.
Advanced Stats: Their Offensive Rating (ORtg) of 112.8 and Defensive Rating (DRtg) of 114.2 indicate less efficiency in both aspects of the game compared to Anadolu Efes. This data suggests that they could have challenges in both phases of the game and should work on improving to achieve a better result.
Mutual meetings:
In the first meeting of this season, Anadolu Efes defeated ALBA Berlin with a score of 97:89, which shows that they have an advantage over this team. This victory can give them additional confidence and motivation for the upcoming match.
Betting suggestion:
Based on a detailed analysis of statistics and head-to-head matches, I recommend betting on more than 170.5 points in the match, given the ability of both teams to score a significant number of points. Also, I suggest betting on the victory of Anadolu Efes, considering their previous victory and the advantage in the quality of the game. Considering the average handicap of 13.5, I believe that Anadolu Efes has a good chance to achieve another triumph over ALBA Berlin
Betting suggestion:
Quota 1.80
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